Slack - Frontiers 2021

Executed for Brand New School. Role: Creative Director.

After Chris Dooley and I had delivered ‘The Future of Work’ campaign for Slack, our team was commissioned to write and produce a set of content for Slack Frontiers - the companies keynote event.

Working with writer Dave Muhlenfeld, we built a set of scripts from scratch, brainstorming copy and visual together.

I’m pretty sure these will be the closest we will get to a writer’s room, pulling references and making jokes and remembering Simpsons gags from 1992.

I loved this project because lift was in the idea, and the executions were always simple. It would be common to have a concept approved live with the client at 1pm, then have it designed, animated, and presented by 6pm.

In addition to a sizzle reel that opened the conference, we developed a series of short-form animation that Stewart Buttefield would use as talking points to suppliment his keynote presentation

Executed for Brand New School
Director / Executive Creative Director: Chris Dooley
Associate Creative Director: Jeff Welk
Art Directors: Cristina Barna, Sebastien Camden
Designers: Jelly Wei, Mercedes Affleck, Lia Kim
Animation Directors: Gerald Mark Soto, Pete Germano
Animators: Gerald Mark Soto, Liz Lukens, Seong Yeop Sim, David Quiray
X-Particle Artist: Terry Lush
3d Artists: Pete Germano, Jun Yang, Peter John Kearny,
Alex Wergin, Nick Wergin, Taliah Williams
Lighting: Danish Jamil
Assistant Editor: Ryan Rigley
VO: Olivia Sarafina Washington
Music: Fall On Your Sword
Sound Design / Audio Mix: One Thousand Birds
Writer: Dave Muhlenfeld
CCO: Jonathan Notaro
Managing Partner: Devin Brook
Executive Producer: Garrett Braren
Head Of Production: Johnna MacArthur
Producer: Brendan Mills